Shulman Advisory

Companies Required to Participate in GX Emissions Trading to Receive Green Funding

The Japanese government plans to make participation in the emissions trading scheme (ETS) a prerequisite for companies to receive decarbonization support. As discussed in the GX Implementation Council’s December 15 meeting, the move aims to make the ETS more effective and nudge hard-to-abate sectors to commit to deeper emissions reductions. 

Tokyo’s New Green Hydrogen Certification Scheme

Publication date: Jan 19, 2024 The Tokyo Metropolitan Government will introduce a new system to certify users of hydrogen produced from renewable electricity in 2024. This certification scheme is designed to incentivize the use of green hydrogen and promote its wider adoption throughout Tokyo by verifying a company’s previous year’s green hydrogen use. The Tokyo …

Hot Topics for the 2024 Japan Power Market

Publication date: January 16, 2024 Today Shulman Advisory is delighted to share with you a focused overview of the Hot Topics shaping the landscape of the 2024 Japan Power Market. As we navigate through key themes such as sustainable energy initiatives, emerging technologies, regulatory frameworks, and market dynamics, our aim is to empower stakeholders, enthusiasts, …

Japan to begin Long-Term Decarbonization Power Source Auctions

Publication date: January 12, 2024 Japan’s first “Long-Term Decarbonization Power Source Auction”, or Long-Term Decarbonization Capacity Market, will be held this month. The auction is designed to promote investment in new carbon-free and low-carbon electricity sources over the long term to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. The Organization for Cross-regional Coordination of Transmission Operators (OCCTO) …

December Newsletter: The Latest News In The Japanese Power Market

Publication date: January 11, 2024 In 2023, Japan made significant strides toward its 2050 carbon-neutral goal. Achievements included:- Drafting the Basic Policy for the Realization of GX (a series of decarbonization policy measures across various sectors) Passing the GX Promotion Act Declaring floating offshore wind power and perovskite as key technologies to increase renewable energy …

Three Japanese Consortia Win Second Offshore Wind Auction

Publication date: January 8, 2024 The METI and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) announced on December 13 the results of the second round of bids for offshore wind projects based on the Renewable Energy Sea Area Utilization Law. Off the coasts of three cities in Akita Prefecture, a consortium of four …

Japanese Companies and Organizations Call For Stricter Carbon Pricing

Publication date: January 5, 2024 On December 5, a proposal was published by the Japan Climate Initiative (JCI) – a group representing over 180 major Japanese companies and organizations – calling on the government to introduce a #carbon pricing policy that is more stringent, more transparent, and more in line with international standards than current …

Japan Renewable Energy Industry Developments Of 2023

Publication date: January 1, 2024 As we end another year, we would like to express our sincere gratitude for your continued support and engagement. We appreciate your trust in our team and hope our content has been informative and helpful to you. Some of our friends and readers have been asking us what it is …

Bids to Supply Solar Power under FIT/FIP Drop Below JPY8 for First Time

On November 24, Japan’s Organization for Cross-Regional Coordination of Transmission Operators (OCCTO) announced the results of the 18th round of bids to supply solar power under the FIT/FIP system. The lowest bid price was JPY7.94/kWh, which is the first time it has dropped below JPY8/kWh. Solar projects whose generation capacity is between 250kW and 500kW …