Publication date: Dec 23, 2024 As 2024 draws to a close, we’ve taken stock of some of the key developments shaping Japan’s energy market this year. While progress continues, there’s still much work to be done to achieve the nation’s ambitious decarbonization goals. Read the full article below to uncover the key developments and milestones …
Author Archives: Dan Shulman
Japanese Carbon Farming Market Expected to Grow Twenty-Fold by 2030
Publication date: Dec 23, 2024 Japanese Carbon Farming Market Expected to Grow Twenty-Fold by 2030 Yano Research Institute released a forecast of the Japanese market for carbon farming, an agricultural method that fixes atmospheric carbon in soil and crops, based on a survey of trends. JPY396 million is expected for the market in FY2024, based …
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JEPX Introduces Tracking Information for All Non-Fossil Certificates
Publication date: Aug 30, 2024 JEPX Introduces Tracking Information for All Non-Fossil Certificates The full tracking of all Non–Fossil Certificates (NFCs) began earlier this month at the first NFC auction of the fiscal year. Traded via the Japan Electric Power Exchange (JEPX), all NFCs will now include information such as the type of power generation, …
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New SHK System Rules Effective April 2024
Revised Japanese ‘SHK’ greenhouse gas reporting system to come into effect in April 2024 In an effort to accurately account for emissions, the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures states that Japanese companies are required to report their greenhouse gas emissions using the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Accounting, Reporting and Disclosure System – also known …
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The Emergence of Microgrid Development in Japan
In a country prone to natural disasters, one of the government’s preoccupations is to increase the resilience of the grid in case of natural disasters and other emergency situations. The goal is for local grid branches to be physically independent and autonomous from the transmission network in case of emergency and be able to prioritize …
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Renewable Energy Procurement Options in Japan
In our previous post, we covered the overall trends in renewable energy procurement in Japan as well as the key concepts one needs to understand before embarking on the low- to no-carbon emissions path. This article, on the other hand, looks at the practicalities of procuring renewable energy in Japan. It explores the main options …
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Reducing Carbon Footprint in Japan: The Basics
Recently, headlines covering Japan’s commitment to becoming carbon neutral by 2050 and major corporations pledging to power their businesses with renewable energy have become increasingly common in Japan. Most of the latter have been businesses consuming large amounts of power and so, for businesses using relatively modest amounts of power, some of the concepts behind …
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The State of Japan’s Power System Reform
When trying to understand the state of the Japanese power market, it is necessary to understand the country’s deregulation process and systemic changes that took place after the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident. That’s why we’ve already covered the topic on this blog a couple of times in the past: Japan’s Deregulated Power …
The State of Geothermal Power Generation in Japan
Geothermal power plants, at less than half a percent of Japan’s total power generation, are currently one of the country’s smallest sources of renewable power. However, with Japan having, by some estimates, the third-richest geothermal resources in the world and its government looking to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, this relatively minor power source is …
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Wind in Japan
In 2012, the Japanese government introduced a feed-in-tariff program aimed at promoting the use of renewable energy. While promoting solar, Japan’s largest non-hydro renewable source, has been the main target of the program, wind projects have received support as well. Since then, Japan has seen an increase in the number of wind projects, both on- …