Publication date: Dec 17, 2024
METI Aims for 20GW of Perovskite Solar by 2040
The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) plans to introduce a 20 GW capacity target for perovskite, a new type of solarcell so thin that it can be bent, by FY2040. This is equivalent to the electricity consumption of approximately 5.5 million households, or about 10% of the electricity used by households. Overall, it represents slightly less than 3% of the energy mix, based on current levels of demand.
Solar power is the most widespread renewable energy source in Japan, accounting for 9.8% of the country’s energy mix in FY2023, with 73 GW installed as of the end of December 2023. But the pace of installation of conventional solar panels has been sluggish over the past few years as suitable land has become scarce.
Strategic Energy Plan and Industry Developments
The perovskite target is expected to be included in the Seventh Strategic Energy Plan, which will be drafted by the end of this year. In addition to supporting research into mass production technology, measures to increase demand will also be considered.
The government envisions three main types of perovskite: a thin, bendable film type; a glass type that can be installed as a building material; and a tandem type that is laminated with existing solar cells. The film and glass types will be able to be installed on building walls, roofs, and windows, where conventional heavy solar panels cannot be installed. The tandem type is expected to be in demand to replace conventional panels with more efficient power generation.
Sekisui Chemical and Toshiba have begun development for the commercialization of perovskite, and Sekisui Chemical aims to start sales in 2025.