Shulman Advisory


We offer services across the value chain, ranging from industry
monitoring and analysis all the way to local operational support.

Our team of seasoned consultants provides comprehensive support and in-depth analysis, ensuring you stay ahead of market trends and regulatory changes. From market entry strategies to power trading expertise, we offer tailored consultancy services to help you achieve your business objectives with confidence

We equip our clients with the tools and insights they need to achieve their business objectives through: 

  • market, technical, and regulatory research and analysis 
  • seminars and workshops 
  • market entry strategy and support 
  • local representation, business development and project management
  • focused and specialized tools developed with our partners, such as interactive maps and other graphical platforms

Our consulting team offers a tailored approach to your business needs. We pride ourselves on having:

  • Strong bilingual analyst and consulting teams with extensive knowledge of the Japanese power market and regulations
  • An analytic and quantitative approach to solving problems combining our team’s mix of consulting and operational experiences
  • Monitoring and analysis of Japanese energy policy and regulation at the center of our day-to-day operations
  • An extensive network of local industry contacts that we draw upon to corroborate our understanding of market developments, and through which we have extensive access to partnership opportunities for our clients
See “Ongoing Support” to learn more about our bespoke retainer services

We help our clients successfully execute projects and establish their businesses in the Japanese market. We can support you with:

  • Obtaining the necessary licenses to conduct your business in the Japanese energy industry
  • Establishment and operation of PMO, as well as other key local administrative functions
  • Development and execution of marketing strategies and campaigns ideal for entering or increasing presence in the Japanese market
  • Negotiation support for energy procurement, corporate PPA’s and more (read about our partnership with E&C consultants)
  • Partnerships and M&A, by identifying potential target companies that best align with your needs

Our bespoke retainers provide consistent support to your needs relating to the Japanese energy industry through:

  • Monthly brief highlighting the most important developments relevant to client’s business in Japan
  • Analyst package combining the above report with monthly one-on-one session with one of our analysts for in-depth coverage of the report’s content
  • Weekly news report curating the latest news related to the Japanese energy industry relevant to your needs
  • Operational support that allows our clients to gain access to resources with experience in the Japanese energy industry in a flexible manner

Example text

With an example tagline

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus lacinia odio vitae dictum rhoncus. Nulla facilisi. Sed euismod metus ac nisi vestibulum, a auctor odio consectetur. Donec id ligula at nisl feugiat elementum. Proin scelerisque, magna ut interdum efficitur, libero quam ultrices sapien, a scelerisque odio felis nec lacus. Cras at est vel lectus scelerisque vehicula. Integer fringilla augue at ligula vehicula, vel dignissim arcu cursus. Duis eget sapien sed turpis tristique pretium non a odio. Phasellus suscipit augue ut urna efficitur, nec commodo tortor tincidunt.

Example text

With an example tagline

Our consulting team offers a tailored approach to your business needs. We pride ourselves on having:

  • Strong bilingual analyst and consulting teams with extensive knowledge of the Japanese power market and regulations
  • An analytic and quantitative approach to solving problems combining our team’s mix of consulting and operational experiences
  • Monitoring and analysis of Japanese energy policy and regulation at the center of our day-to-day operations
  • An extensive network of local industry contacts that we draw upon to corroborate our understanding of market developments, and through which we have extensive access to partnership opportunities for our clients
See “Ongoing Support” to learn more about our bespoke retainer services

We help our clients successfully execute projects and establish their businesses in the Japanese market. We can support you with:

  • Obtaining the necessary licenses to conduct your business in the Japanese energy industry
  • Establishment and operation of PMO, as well as other key local administrative functions
  • Development and execution of marketing strategies and campaigns ideal for entering or increasing presence in the Japanese market
  • Negotiation support for energy procurement, corporate PPA’s and more (read about our partnership with E&C consultants)
  • Partnerships and M&A, by identifying potential target companies that best align with your needs

Our bespoke retainers provide consistent support to your needs relating to the Japanese energy industry through:

  • Monthly brief highlighting the most important developments relevant to client’s business in Japan
  • Analyst package combining the above report with monthly one-on-one session with one of our analysts for in-depth coverage of the report’s content
  • Weekly news report curating the latest news related to the Japanese energy industry relevant to your needs
  • Operational support that allows our clients to gain access to resources with experience in the Japanese energy industry in a flexible manner

Japan Benchmark Power Curve

The Japan Benchmark Power Curve is a comprehensive power price modelling service, providing market and technology-specific forecasts in partnership with Cornwall Insight. It delivers long-term 30-year price forecasts, informed by significant market, policy, and regulatory expertise, along with direct access to our experts

Key Commercial Features

  • 30-year forecasts of JEPX power prices for generating technologies covering Hokkaido, Tohoku, Tokyo, Chubu, Hokuriku, Kansai, Chugoku, Shikoku and Kyushu
  • Credible scenarios presented covering potential outcomes for policy, regulation, technology mix, and commodity price developments informed by in-depth and extensive market research
  • Forecasts are underpinned by leading modelling practices for capacity planning and dispatch utilizing the latest PLEXOS software
  • Models are calibrated to the traded market, ensuring forecasts are consistent with our practical expertise in real market operations

Key Benefits

Our comprehensive service offers regular price and value monitoring of key revenue streams.

  • Understand the range of credible long-term electricity prices captured by different technologies
  • Incorporate asset-level revenue forecasts into project/portfolio financial models to support investment cases, budgeting, asset benchmarking and business planning
  • Mitigate risk arising from changes to regulation, policy and the prevailing market conditions
  • Benchmark and assess the value delivered by different routes to market

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With an example tagline