Shulman Advisory

Power Market Data API

Our Ever-Growing List of Datasets Includes:

Custom Pricing Available

Specifications and documentation available upon request.​

No matter your use case, having easy access to market data is indispensable. Using our API, your developers will be able to plug our data feeds directly into your models.

Why Use Our API

Official Data

We aggregate and clean the raw data from the Japanese government and other official entities, allowing you to run your models and analyses in the way you prefer.

Always Up to Date

We provide you with new data at the maximum refresh rate available for each dataset.

Easy to Access and Use

With our API, you can access ready-to-use data instead of having to deal with manually collecting and cleaning data sets or paying for expensive solutions you don't need.

We are a Tokyo-based consultancy offering products and services that help our clients navigate and make decisions in Japan’s ever-changing energy industry.